1. Core Content - Eye Emergencies
- EM Lyceum reviews topical anesthetics for corneal abrasions, timing of follow-up for patients with floaters, and the use of ultrasound to assess intraocular pressure in this post.
- Check out the Root Atlas, the "internet's best eye videos", for some instructional videos for procedures such as foreign body removal [this website really is awesome].
2. Sepsis in the Prehospital Arena
- One of our residents, Michael Willman, suggested this meta-analysis on affect of antibiotic timing on mortality in severe sepsis and septic shock.
- Consider reading this commentary by Alan Jones' group on the challenges of prehospital sepsis detection.
- See the July 2015 WashU Journal Club summary of studies evaluating early goal directed therapy for the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock.
- Want to support research? Check out the Crowdfunding Page for development of the "Think Sepsis" tool at the University of Pittsburgh for prehospital sepsis recognition.
3. Neuro MRI protocols
-See this article regarding the increase in MRI exams performed through the emergency department
- Emergency Medicine Cases covers Low Back Pain Emergencies in the ED
- Our own blog covers the sensitivity of imaging studies for diagnosis of CSF shunt malfunction
- Review indications for critical and urgent MRI exams, as well as the correct exam for the indication:
4. Aortic Syndromes & Ultrasound
- Test yourself with Ultrasound Case of the Week #55 and #49.
- EM Curious Ultrasound Leadership Academy covers Aortic Ultrasound
- UMEM Education Pearls covers the suprasternal notch view for detecting aortic dissection.
5. Trauma Simulation -
- I've posted the link to Cliff Reid's talk on Making Things Happen many times, but I'm posting it again because if you haven't watch it yet, then do so now.
- Wash U EM Journal Club covered TXA in treatment traumatic hemorrhage, and the findings were nicely summarized in this article by our own Wes Watkins, Brian Cohn and Bill Dribben in epmonthly.
-ER Cast covers management of neurogenic shock.
Maia (@maiadorsett)
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